The beautiful Northumberland countryside was the backdrop to our corporate cycle challenge. It was the second year that Designworks had been invited to the Virgin Money Cyclone by The Banks Group.
With over 30 riders taking part in The Banks Group’s team kit, it highlights the fact that cycling is increasingly popular form of meeting new people and networking.
The event also helped raise money for Debra. Miles Crossley, a Banks Group employee, explains the significance of the fundraising:
“Debra represents a cause really close to my heart involving supporting families and research into a cure for a condition which my son, Mason, suffers from called EB (epidermolysis bullosa). A rare skin condition which means he gets injured and blistered with the slightest knock. I am confident in Masons lifetime, Debra will help identify a cure for this life changing skin conditions. A couple links below to some articles directly on Mason which have made the press:
Should you wish to donate, I have set up a just giving page justgiving.com/milescrossley”