Mission statement
At Designworks (Cumbria) Ltd we recognise that the environment is vitally important to our business and our clients. We recognise our responsibility to manage our environmental impacts carefully. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. We will encourage our clients and suppliers to do the same.
Policy aims
We endeavour to:
- Incorporate environmental considerations into our business decisions, including decisions about the types of companies we are prepared to take on as clients.
- Continually improve and monitor our own environmental performance.
- Promote environmental awareness among our clients and suppliers.
Policy priorities
1. Delivering our work
- We will continue to seek to deliver best practice environmental performance in our client work, particularly through maximising the efficiency of the websites we design
2. Travel
- We will continue to run our business in a way which reduces the need to travel, including through promoting the use of travel alternatives such as video/phone conferencing and through continuing to encourage and facilitate home-working.
- We will seek to use the most sustainable modes of transport for all necessary business travel.
3. Company administration
- We will prioritise environmental considerations in our key business decisions.
- We will promote our commitment to environmental responsibility to all of our clients and suppliers.
- We will continue to support a range of local environmental organisations and causes financially and in-kind.
Our Environmental Management System
We have developed an Environmental Action Plan to ensure we meet the requirements of this policy. The Environmental Action Plan, together with this policy, comprises our Environmental Management System (EMS). Our EMS is independently certified by Green Small Business. Our certification is maintained through an annual audit carried out independently by Green Small Business.
We will update this policy at least annually.
Created: September 2022
Managing Environmental Impact
Designworks has identified a number of areas where direct action has been taken to minimise the environmental impact.
- Our office space and energy is managed and supplied by Westmorland and Furness Council. We are based in Kendal Business Hub which has solar PV panels and has an EPC A rating.
- Our web host provider uses Green Energy.
- We use electricity responsibly and switch off electrical items when not in use.
- We reduce the amount of paper used in the office by using electronic files.
- All waste is recycled wherever possible.
- Cleaning products and other consumables are purchased for their environmental and Fairtrade merit.
- We aim to use local suppliers that use green energy and have an environmental policy.
- Paper specification for print work is based on recycled pulp or paper from sustainable forests.
- We avoid any unnecessary car journeys. When we do travel by car, we use an electric vehicle which runs on green tariff electricity.
- We are members of the Bike to Work Scheme and encourage commuting to work by bicycle or on foot. Our office space provides secure bike storage, changing rooms and shower facilities.
- We support organisations that help protect the environment and we are members of Friends of the Lake District, Lake District Foundation, South Lakes Action on Climate Change, and Sustainability & Energy Network in Staveley.
Through our work:
- We were involved in creating Kendal Climate Citizens’ Jury.
- We promote sustainable modes of transport, especially cycling, and have worked with Westmorland and Furness Council on various cycling projects. We were instrumental in starting Kendal Cycle Club which is an inclusive club and encourages new cyclists.
Designworks will continually monitor its practices and implement policy and schemes to minimise the impact on the environment. Staff are verbally informed of any changes in environmental policy and practices.