Recently, Google announced that it will label any non-HTTPS webpage as ‘Not Secure’ in the address bar. Mozilla’s popular browser Firefox, also flags up that the ‘Connection is not secure’. Internet Explorer also displays a padlock icon in the address bar. The three popular browsers don’t differentiate between the type of data that might be shared, treating both high and low risk data the same.


You may have noticed that websites usually start with “http://” or “https://”. HTTP is the protocol used to transfer information and is sent in ‘plain text’. HTTPS is the secure version of this (enabled with the use of an SSL certificate). SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and this digital certificate helps clarify your identity to your website visitors, encrypts data that’s transferred via your website, ensuring confidentiality for the end user, and ensures data integrity – the information can’t be manipulated or corrupted en-route.


If you are taking payments online then you should definitely use HTTPS. Even if your website doesn’t take online payment then you should consider upgrading to HTTPS. Adding an SSL certificate to your website will re-assure visitors that you take safeguarding their information seriously and clarifies your identity. There is also a slight advantage within Google’s SEO rankings to running https but this is fairly minimal and your site content has a much greater influence


We can purchase and arrange the install of the SSL Certificate, then transition your website from http to https. The Certificate runs for 1 year and our starter SSL packages cost from £ 80.00 plus VAT, renewable annually. There is a one-off cost for the install/transition of £ 60.00 plus VAT.

We recommend purchasing your SSL through Designworks if your hosting is with us because we cannot guarantee a third party SSL working on our servers. However, if you already have a third party certificate or wish to purchase from another provider you should supply all information you have and we will:
a) Ascertain whether we are able to install the third party SSL on our servers.
b) Provide a quote for installing the third party SSL on our servers if possible.

If you would like to go upgrade to https or talk to us about this, please get in touch. Call 01539 723254 or email: