Logging in
When your website went live you should have received login details, if you do not have then these get in touch with us and we will get these over to you.
In order to login go to https://yoursite.co.uk/wp-admin (replacing “yoursite.co.uk” with the url of your website)
You will go through to a login screen like this:
After entering your username and password and clicking ‘log in’ you should see a screen similar to this:
Updating your password
Should you need to update your password, navigate to the users tab and click on your username in the list
Scroll down to the Account Management section and click ‘Set New Password’, this will reveal a textbox with a generated password, you can either use the generated password or delete it and enter your own. Once the password is selected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘update profile’
Adding News Items
In the left hand menu click on posts (near to the top).
You will see existing news items, you can click on the title of one of these to edit it or if you hover an existing post asub-menu will appear with several options.
At the top you will see an ‘add new’ button to add a new post/news article.
When you click add new you will taken through to the page where you add the details for the new post.
You will need a title, content and potentially to set a featured image.
The area to set the featured image is a little further down on the right hand side:
Clicking ‘set featured image’ will open the media library where you can upload an image or use one that is already in the media library.
Once you have made all of the changes, make sure you click Publish/Update
Adding/Editing a page
To add or edit a page you will need to navigate to the ‘pages’ in the left hand menu, within this section you will see a list of your pages and at the top an ‘add new’ button.
It is a similar process to adding a post as outlined in ‘Adding News Items’, in that you will need a title and content, but it is likely that WPBakery Page Builder has been used for the content of the pages on your site, click here for the guide.
Adding link to standard wordpress post/page
If you have not yet added it, add the text that you want to be a link
Highlight the text you want to link and then click the link icon
A box will popup next to the highlighted text.
Linking to an internal page:
If you start typing the name of a existing page/post on your site then a dropdown list will appear of relevant pages.
Click on the page that you want to link to and then click the blue apply button.
Then update the page
Linking to an external page:
Copy the URL of the site and then paste in to the pop up box
Click the blue apply button.
If you need to open the link in a new tab, click the cog icon
Tick the ‘open link in new tab’ box and then click ‘add link’
Cloning an existing page
If you need to add a new page to the your site, you may want to create a page that uses the same layout as existing page.
In the publish section, there is a link called ‘copy to new draft’, this will create a draft version of the existing page. You can then change the title and the content within elements on the page and either save the draft or publish it.
Adding a page to the menu
When you have added a new page to your site the final step is to choose where your page will appear.
To add to your site menu, go to appearance>menus
You may only have one menu on your site, therefore the menu structure you see will be the one you will be editing:
If you have more than one menu on your site you will need to make sure you are editing the correct one, you can select the menu to edit from the drop down shown below:
If this is a new page you have created then you will see this listed on the left hand side under pages in the most recent tab.
To add your new page, tick the box next to the title of the page and then click the ‘add to menu’ button.
Your new page will appear at the bottom of the menu.
Then you need to hover your cursor over the new item and click on it, you can then drag it to the position that you want it to appear on the menu.
Click the ‘Save Menu’ button in the bottom right corner and your menu will be updated will the changes.
If the new page is to be in a sub menu, the drag the item to the right
The item will then appear in the sub menu position
Post Excerpt
Certain pages/areas of your site will display a list of posts – sometimes standard posts that are news/blog items but sometimes custom post types such as Events.
A post listed on one of these pages/areas may include a snippet of text, called the excerpt, that is being pulled in from the first part of the content of the post.
If you want to change the excerpt to say something other than the first part of the content of the post, navigate to the post you want to edit.
Scroll down and somewhere near the bottom you should see an area to add a custom excerpt.
Add some text to the box and then update your post.
What if you cannot see the excerpt box
If you can’t see an area to update your excerpt, you just need to update your screen options.
Scroll to the top of the screen and click screen options in the top right corner.
Then make sure that the excerpt box is ticked